Flash – Rock Salt Journals Walkthrough
This Flash project was created as a virtual bar for a forum’s alternate reality game. The players were given clues to solve some puzzles or asked to answer questions about the different areas of the flash scenes. Click on any image below for a larger view.
This project uses a variety of Flash options, including Action Script 3, animations, movie clips, Flash objects, form fields, clock counter with system tray call, and URL links.
Rock Salt Journals Virtual Bar Walkthrough
Main Bar Scene (592KB SWF file):
- Clicking on the 8-ball takes you to the Pool Room.
- Clicking on the miniature wooden juke box takes you to the full-sized interactive Juke Box.
- Clicking on the bottle of Bacardi slides it to the left to reveal a link for a hidden panel.
- Clicking on the miniature version of the 1967 Impala takes you to the Mud Pit.
- Clicking the Pi Symbol in the lower right corner moves the bar stools to the sides and reveals a Latin phrase that players were to send back as one of the clues.
- The photo clock behind the bar uses the system clock on the user’s computer to show the correct time in that user’s time zone.
Pool Room Scene (320KB SWF file):
- Clicking on the cue-ball starts an animated scene.
- Clicking on the Pi Symbol in the lamp over the pool table makes it rock back and forth.
- Clicking on the Texas A&M “12th Man” in the lamp stops the lamp from rocking.
- Hovering over the trunk below the pool table reveals an amulet that when clicked returns you to the Main Bar.
Animated Pool Room Scene:
- After the animation finishes from #1 in the Pool Room Scene, click the Pi Symbol on the 12 ball to return to the Pool Room.
Juke Box Scene (107KB SWF file):
- Clicking the song list sheets on the Juke Box takes you to an interactive Juke Box Song List Page.
- Hovering over the top left corner reveals the amulet that when clicked returns you to the Main Bar.
Juke Box Song List Page (1.07MB SWF file):
- Clicking the arrows above the pages flips the pages with a sound resembling juke pages flipping.
- Clicking the Pi Symbol shown beside some of the songs opens a new window with that song playing on Youtube. (*Due to limited server bandwidth and space, instead of using a loader class and xml to load songs directly from the client’s server, we opted to link a few of the Juke Box songs directly to Youtube videos of the song choices. For this reason, some of the songs may not be available.)
- Hovering over the top left corner reveals a miniature juke box that when clicked returns you to the first Juke Box Scene.
Main Bar Secret Panel:
- After clicking and moving the Bacardi bottle, a Pi Symbol is revealed behind it. Clicking the Pi Symbol moves the wooden panel behind the bar to the left to reveal a hidden form field.
- Enter the correct code: LOUNGE (All caps required.)
- Click the star after entering the code to take you to the Lounge Scene. Entering an incorrect code or leaving the field blank closes the panel and returns the Bacardi bottle to its original position.
Mud Pit Scene (222KB SWF file):
- If you have clicked the miniature car in the Main Bar, you land in the mud pit. Hovering over the right corner reveals the amulet that when clicked returns you to the Main Bar.
Latin Phrase Revealed:
- Clicking and holding the Pi Symbol in the lower right corner moves the bar stools to the sides and reveals a Latin phrase that players were to send back as one of the clues. Releasing the mouse button returns the bar stools to their original positions and hides the Latin phrase again.
Main Lounge Scene (1.29MB SWF file):
- Hovering to the left above the couch in the lounge takes you to the next couch, and so on.
- Hovering to the right above the couch in scene 2 takes you back to the previous couch scene where another secret panel is revealed.
- After clicking through to the 2nd couch scene (or further), returning to the first Lounge scene reveals a Pi Symbol in the lower left corner of the painting. Clicking the Pi Symbol reveals a hidden panel with multiple form fields.
- Enter the correct code in each of the form fields: 24, 01, 79, MATTIE
- Click the Dial to reveal a special message to players and an extra image in a new window.